a photo of me

Hey, I'm Ariel

ariel.guerra-adames [at] u-bordeaux.fr

I'm a second-year Master's student in Machine Learning and Data Mining at Université de Lyon - Université Jean Monnet, currently doing an internship at the Bordeaux Population Health Research Center (INSERM), France. My main research interest at this moment is in the applicability of Natural Language Processing methods for Public Health. As of right now, I'm supported by a scholarship from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation of Panama.

Before that, I obtained my Engineering degree in Telecommunications from the Technological University of Panama, specializing in Signal Processing. I also worked as a research engineer at the Research Group on Advanced Technologies of Telecommunications and Signal Processing, Panama. I have also done internships in other laboratories in France, such as Hubert Curien Laboratory in Saint-Étienne, and the IMS Laboratory in Bordeaux.

When I have time (and money) I travel and take analog photos, and I even used to be an audiovisual producer! Anyways, welcome to my website. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.

Research Interests

My research interests are mostly around AI, and more specifically Natural Language Processing applications. I have worked on several projects related to the analysis of long-unstructured text for different tasks ranging from sentiment analysis to topic modeling, and more recently, text classification on data from social media and the health domain.
I have also explored the application of Brain-Computer Interfaces with non-invasive electrodes during my Engineering thesis. This work consisted in the online processing of non-stationary EEG signals for the control of a device.
There's more to it than that however, if you have any questions regarding my past work, don't hesitate to ask!


* = Equal contribution

Talks & Presentations